Center for the Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment
I. Horbachevsky Ternopil Medical National University is committed to creating and maintaining an educational, working, and living environment free from discrimination and harassment. I. Horbachevsky Ternopil Medical National University University’s policy prohibits such discrimination and harassment and applies to everyone in the University community.
On behalf of the University, the Center for the Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment responds to all allegations of discrimination and harassment and takes steps to ensure that each is handled according to applicable policies and legal requirements. These may include experiences of bias based on race, creed, color, sex, gender identity or expression, age, national origin, ancestry, religion, physical or mental disability, veteran status, marital status, sexual orientation and/or other legally protected characteristics.
When the University becomes aware that a member of the University community may have been subjected to or affected by discriminatory and/or harassing behavior, the University will take prompt action, including a review of the matter and, if necessary, an investigation and appropriate action to stop the discrimination and/or harassment. The course of action taken by the University, including any disciplinary penalty, will depend on the particular facts and circumstances involved.